5 Best Pillows for Side Sleepers with Neck Pain 

Neck pain is as common as ‘sleep insomnia’. And most of the time the inability to sleep well is the stiff stingy neck pain. 

These two problems almost always go side by side…believe me! 

Almost 30% of the people in the WORLD are affected by neck pain. And if you are here on this page, then you must know for sure, how troubled sleep, bad sleep posture, and a wimpy pillow plagues healthy sleep. 

Neck pain is a common symptom among people who spend hours sitting in one posture. Only to find it gets worse at night. A good neck pillow is a crucial pick for your neck. Why? Well because…a)It supports your spine and cartilage and b) Read my take on why body pillows matter to your health.  

Because of its high-risk factors, the need to address sleeping posture and neck pain has become alarming. “Pillows for the neck are becoming more and more pressing. When you're young and pliable, you can get away with poor sleeping posture," said Colleen Louw, PT, a spokesperson for the American Physical Therapy Association

This is why having the right neck pillows is important in the least to keep your posture or muscles from going bad. 

Before we dive into the best neck pillows for side sleepers, you must know why neck pillows are important for your fatigue.

Neck pillows are specially designed with a certain curvature to support the sensitive neck bone. As the neck is more aligned with your skin, the spinal support, as well as neck support, are both catered by a good neck pillow. If you constantly suffer from an inflamed, stiff, and painful neck then here are some of our top picks from Byre of quality pillows for neck pain, shoulders, and headaches. 

Byre Bed Wedge Pillow 

An ideal and all-time favorite neck pillow for sleeping, byre bed wedge pillow is a pillow you shouldn't miss. It fine-tunes your stiff neck muscles and keeps your spine in check. It has a precise 17-degree angle that is ideal to keep your blood pressure at normal and your body fluids in check. It is also great for people who frequently complain about acidity from bad posture. A wedge pillow can also be used for other purposes such as reading, supporting your neck when side sleeping, or simply resting on different angles. 

We would recommend this pillow 10 out of 10 times as the best pillow for side sleepers with neck pain. 

Byre Bed Wedge Pillow (Half- Moon Pillow)

 Another variation of wedge pillow comes with an additional half moon pillow to support the neck. It is ideal for people who have severe neck pains, stiff necks, or affected necks due to any injury. The half-moon-shaped pillow helps keep the neck in its proper place whether you are a side or a back sleeper. The elevation of 30 to 60 degrees is designed to specifically give complete deep rest to your muscles. 

Some of the wedge pillow’s distinctive features make it an ideal pillow for superior neck support 

  • It has a broad huge design that helps to fully cater to your shoulder spread, neck, and back both in place 
  • It can be adjusted with multiple angles following your need 
  • The half moon attached pillow can be adjusted to your liking 

The overall pillow can be used for different purposes such as supporting your legs or reading 

As a good best pillow for neck and shoulder pain, we will rate this byre body pillow a good 11 out of 10!

Byre Seat Cushions 

A uniquely designed back support pillow. Byre’s seat cushion is also ideal for people who experience uncomfortable neck pain while seated for long horses; the perfect alignment for the spine also helps relax muscles around the neck.

Although it is ideal for people with lower back pain, we can recommend this 8 out of 10 times as a good pillow for neck pain. 

Byre U- Shape Pillow 

Usually ideal for pregnant or nursing mothers, byre’s u-shape pillow is also a great pillow for neck and shoulder pain. The large u-shaped exterior is a plus for relaxing your shoulder muscles. The huge hugging capacity of u shape pillow is ideal for people who suffer from acute neck pains. The contoured shape fully follows your headrest to make the desired adjustment that keeps your neck in check. It is especially great for people who often complain about neck pains after a bad posture sleep. 

So if you are also someone looking for full body support just because you cannot help twisting, turning, and end up hurting your neck then we recommend this pillow 8 times out of 10 as a good neck resting pillow. 

Byre Reading Pillow

Most of our work hours require long hours of reading, if not the screen then from a long hefty document. Byre’s reading pillow is the best pillow for a stiff neck, especially after reading. You can toss it on your working chair, place it on your bed, or even on your carpet to maintain good sitting posture with a stiff neck. If you are someone who regularly enjoys reading but gets a troubled stiff neck, then we recommend this pillow 9.5 times out of 10!

How to Choose the Best Pillow for Neck Pain

What makes a good neck pillow ‘good’ for you is based on how painful your neck is. Most of the time neck pain occurs due to bad posture or long hours of sitting. Our neck is a very sensitive region that is connected to both our spine and brain. This is why having a good posture is super important for maintaining a good neck. 

Here are some of the checkpoints you should have when choosing the best for neck pain and headaches; 

  • Look out for how hard or stiff the surface is. If you aren't comfortable with the upper surface cloth of your pillow, then chances are you would not have a comfortable night in 
  • What fill does the pillow have? To learn more about the benefits of body pillows. Usually, memory foam is great for stiff neck and shoulder problems. This is why all of Byre’s pillows have memory foam in it. 
  • Look out for the right size. Which pillow adjusts to your head perfectly? Does it support when you move your head a lot? These are all some important factors to consider before investing in 
  • Which shape suits you the best? Again, if you are looking for the best shapes for neck pain then yes shapes will matter. 

A Good Neck Pillow is a Fatigue Game Changer!

Good neck pillows are important. Now there are a variety of neck pillows out there, but for a beginner level, we recommend you to start with a wedge half moon pillow. For future reference, we would like to test more pillows with lower lofts to support the curvature of your neck. 

So, when are you buying your next neck pillow?